Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New! New! New! & More Taggage

I've just added these two to the shop, check 'em out!

Sad Girl Swan Song
Sad Girl Swan Song Pendant Necklace

Little Blue Birds
Little Blue Birds Pendant Necklace

Also...Once again, i've been tagged! This time by Emma.

Here are 7 random/weird/whatever facts about myself:

1. I make lots of keyboard and piano-inspired things, but i don't actually play. I did take a keyboard class when i was a kid, but i think i got nervous and stopped. I don't know what it is, but i love them and i love making keyboardey things! Recently, i've been listening to The New Rags and i've decided that i should totally buy a Rhodes piano, just because.

2. I did however play electric guitar for a few years, starting at the age of 13.

3. I was Yearbook and newspaper editor during my last year of middle school, though the title didn't really mean anything.

4. I am quite short. I'm already 25 and have yet to adopt the use of heels to heighten myself. I prefer to stay steady and low to the ground.

5. When i was a kid, i entered a nationwide drawing contest that was conducted by The Disney Channel. I mailed them 3 pencil drawings of Aladdin characters on notebook paper, and was one of the i-don't-know-how-many Second Place winners. My prize was a book about Disney and the animation process.

6. I don't visit sites like TMZ or The Superficial very often, but when i do, i get totally sucked in and find myself completely glued to my computer.

7. Uncooked apples make my throat & tongue itchy!

And here's a freebie: I still am not completely comfortable with the idea of tagging other people. Ha!


Anonymous said...

:D i m not very comfortable writing about me!!

wow! you are fast!! and nice pendants!

Kate said...

You won a disney drawing contest??!?! That rules!!

Anonymous said...

I was just Googling, attempting to find out of there are any records of those old drawing contests Disney Channel used to have when I came across this. I actually won "third" in that very same Aladdin drawing contest. I got an Aladdin picture book and a holographic watch (my sister was totes jealous); a far cry from the first prize of $5,000 and a famaly vacation.
Wouldn't that be odd if there were actually only 3 winners, and we are 2 of them...

Anonymous said...

I can spell "family," I promise