Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's flea time again- UPDATE!

and i've been sewing sewing sewing like crazy. Hopefully people are still in need of gifts for giving, because i know i'm not anywhere near done my Christmas shopping.

Piano Key/Heart Ornaments!

The R5 Punk Rock Flea Market is this Saturday and i just got done sewing a huge batch of keyboards and boomboxes. "Huge" as in almost the same amount that i had to make for Fred Flare huge. Crazy!

New batch of printed Keys and Booms: Before

I'll have some new bags, six new keyboard and boombox colorways, mini pouches, piano key/heart ornaments, and lots of other stuff.

Here's all the info:

***Jan. 26- The flea market has been postponed! It will now take place on February 1st at the Electric Factory, from 10am to 4pm. This is a much larger venue, so there will be lots more vendors...130 in all!


erin meagan said...

That is soooooo cool.

StickyKitten said...

those heart-shaped piano ornaments are awesome!!!!!!!!!
merry christmas, michelle!!

StickyKitten said...

PS~hope the market went well! I gave you a blogger award--check out my blog to view it. Happy New Year!!!!♥♥♥
PPS~Are you going to the Mummers Parade?

[m]! said...

StickyKitten- Hey, Michelle! I hope your Xmas was great! Unfortunately, the flea market was postponed until January 17th. Hopefully people will still be in the market for/stocking up on ornaments for next year!

Happy New Year to you as well, and thanks a lot for the award! My blog sucks though and i'm just no good at updating anymore...hopefully that'll change.

I hadn't thought about going to see the Mummers Parade. I've never been!

Stefanie-Anne said...

I miss your updates...what's going on? When was the R5 rescheduled for? I love your blog, I'm basically addicted...XOXO